Register .uk domain name to instantly connect your brand with the UK markets.

Starting from $15/yr
Intended Use: Geotagging. Entities connected with the United Kingdom.

UK Domain Highlights

uk domain name
Domain Type ccTLD
Registry Provider Nominet
Country United Kingdom
Maximum Name Length Characters Up to 63
Registration Term 1 to 10
Whois Privacy Not Available
Domain Locking Not Available
DNSSEC Available
Explicit Renewal Yes
Auto Renewal No
Auto Renewal Date 30 Days Before Expiry.
Grace Period None
Redemption Period None
Domain Transfers Not Accepted
Authcode Not Available
Premium Names Not Available
Registration Restrictions For .uk, registrant must be based in UK. Note: New registrations not supported for, and - transfers and renewals only.

Why Register .UK Domain Name

The .UK domain is the country-code top level domain (ccTLD) for United Kingdom. The .UK domain is a top choice for British businesses and individuals seeking to establish a strong online presence in the United Kingdom. With more than 12 million domain registrations the UK domain name is highly popular among U.K individuals and businesses. The domain .UK creates a strong affiliation of your brand name with the British markets for attracting new prospects. The domain is considered to increase brand value and awareness among the masses residing in the UK. A short, memorable and a modern on-point domain extension, highly popular among online users makes .UK domain as the number one choice for entrepreneurs, startups and established businesses for a great online presence. According to a research conducted by 3GEM in November 2016 93 % of businesses experienced a dramatic increase in their brand value with a website hosted on a .UK domain. Findings of the research conducted by Trust & Awareness Research - Insight Engineers in 2018 summarized that 72 % of the consumers residing in the United Kingdom preferred to shop and buy from a website ending in a .UK domain. So, whatever it is that you'd like to advertise for the British markets, whether you're an entrepreneur, an established business, or a non-profit charity organization the .UK domain name instantly connects you with your target audience providing you with a trustable online identity and an accredited UK name space for your business.

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