Football Domain Highlights

Domain Type | nTLD |
Registry Provider | Donuts |
Country | Not Applicable |
Maximum Name Length Characters | 3-63 |
Registration Term | 1-10 Years |
Whois Privacy | Available |
Domain Locking | Available |
DNSSEC | Available |
Explicit Renewal | Yes |
Auto Renewal | Yes |
Auto Renewal Date | 30 Days Before Expiry. |
Grace Period | 30 Days |
Redemption Period | 30 Days |
Domain Transfers | Accepted |
Authcode | Available |
Premium Names | Available |
Registration Restrictions | None |
Why Register .Football Domain Name
Football domain was proposed as part of ICANN’s New gTLD Program made available for domain name registration on 03rd June, 2015. The world’s most favorite game now has a cool home on the internet, thanks to .football domain name. Whether it’s American football, American’s most followed sport or soccer with a global fan following in billions, .football domain is the go to hub for football sport fans. Football games contribute billions of dollars to the global economy every year, and create thousands of jobs worldwide with whopping sales in millions for indirect businesses relying on the sport. The fan following for football clearly declares it to be the king of all sporting games. Considering the popularity of the sport it was high time a sports-specific, industry-relevant domain was introduced for the game and what better name was there than .football on its own. Football equipment manufacturers, suppliers, aspiring players, football clubs and associations can all make use of .football domain to reach out to loyal fans around the world. Having .football as part of your website makes it easier for football lovers to find football-relevant content online. Retailers selling football apparel can use .football to build the perfect online store making it easier for customers to identify websites that serve football products. Having .football as part of your website address automatically boosts your organic SEO as well making your website rank high in search engines for football related queries. Bloggers with the love for the game, internet forums flooded with experts giving expert match analysis, and podcasts featuring football related content, reviews, or news can register .football domain name to target football relevant traffic. For football coaches .football domain makes an instant connection with aspiring students searching online football training institutes or freelance trainers. Professional football clubs and associations can host a website on a .football domain name to keep their members well informed on latest club updates, post information on training sessions, upcoming events, game schedules, player profiles, coach ranks, and a lot more. The vastness of the football game encompasses many industries and business sectors, and the popularity for the game never seems to disappoint. With such tough competition football clerics and businesses cannot afford to miss a trademark registered in .football domain. Register a highly credible and in demand .football domain name with Zohoster before it’s gone and enjoy an exclusive suite of domain add-ons.
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