Register .DE domain name to advertise your products and services in Deutschland.

Starting from $15/yr
Intended Use: Geotagging. Entities connected with Germany.

DE Domain Highlights

de domain name
Domain Type ccTLD
Registry Provider DENIC
Country Germany
Maximum Name Length Characters 1-63
Registration Term 1 to 10
Whois Privacy Not Available
Domain Locking Not Available
DNSSEC Not Available
Explicit Renewal No
Auto Renewal Yes
Auto Renewal Date 2 Days Before Expiry.
Grace Period None
Redemption Period 30 Days
Domain Transfers Accepted - No Change to Registry Period.
Authcode Available
Premium Names Not Available
Registration Restrictions Presence (admin-contact) in Germany required. To delete the name or allow it to expire, complete and submit the deletion form at least 5 days prior to the expiry date

Why Register .DE Domain Name

The .DE domain is the country-code top level domain (ccTLD) for Germany. It consists of the first two letters of Germany in German Language i.e. Deutschland. .DE domain is the second most popular country-code top level domain (ccTLD) based on the volume of country-code domain registrations with .CN (China) being the second most popular and .UK (United Kingdom) holding the third spot in most popular ccTLD's. Currently the .de domain name is the most popular domain extension in Germany. If you're an individual or a business looking to expand its operations, products or services for the German markets, register a .DE domain name to establish the perfect online presence in Germany. The .de domain name reflects patriotism and true German heritage increasing your brands credibility and trustworthiness with the local residents. Most importantly registering a .DE domain name will help your website rank higher in Germany search engine results. Suppose you run a fashion ecommerce site and are trying to be found for a business keyword such as "blue jeans" on the German search engine version of Google i.e. Registering a .DE domain name will help your website top German search engine charts better than the traditional .com and .org versions of a website. Search engine algorithms consider country-specific domains and websites to be language appropriate having a similar currency and time zone to that of a German customer conducting the keyword search on Give your business an incredible online presence and a remarkable boost in search engine rankings for the German markets by registering a .DE domain name. Did you know that Germany is a growing internet economy with a population of 82.79 million individuals in 2017 out of which 85 % are internet users? That's a big market and a whopping number of customers for you to target by registering your brand name with a .DE domain extension.

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