Fund Domain Highlights

Domain Type | nTLD |
Registry Provider | Donuts |
Country | Not Applicable |
Maximum Name Length Characters | 2-63 |
Registration Term | 1-10 Years |
Whois Privacy | Available |
Domain Locking | Available |
DNSSEC | Available |
Explicit Renewal | Yes |
Auto Renewal | Yes |
Auto Renewal Date | 30 Days Before Expiry. |
Grace Period | 30 Days |
Redemption Period | 30 Days |
Domain Transfers | Accepted |
Authcode | Available |
Premium Names | Available |
Registration Restrictions | None |
Why Register .Fund Domain Name
Lure investors to your startup’s seed funding or capital financing round with a brand new fund domain name. Introduced by ICANN in it’s new gTLD Program .fund domain name was made available for registration on the 20th August, 2014. Fund domain is an exclusive name for startup businesses, charity organizations, non-profits and financial businesses to attract potential investors searching for likeminded projects and a social cause. In the financial and investments niche, hedge fund, mutual fund, private equity investments hold great value for its financers. Thanks to the .fund domain portfolio managers, investment bankers, financial analysts and brokers now have a personalized home on the internet dedicated to finance based products and services. Fun domain is a short, memorable and easy to recognize namespace which speaks for itself to potential investors searching for great ideas to invest in. For charitable trusts and non-government organizations working for a social cause can register .fund domain name to create the perfect online fundraiser to accept donations, charity and funds from generous donors online. For crowdfunding sites that facilitate networking between innovative startups and angel investors are the biggest benefiters of the .fund domain name. Domain hacks such as,,, are the primary examples for investment financing and non-profit websites that can be powered using a .fund domain name. Register .fund domain with Zohoster and enjoy an exclusive suite of domain add-ons with your purchase.
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