fit Domain Highlights

Domain Type | nTLD |
Registry Provider | Donuts |
Country | Not Applicable |
Maximum Name Length Characters | 3-63 |
Registration Term | 1-10 Years |
Whois Privacy | Available |
Domain Locking | Available |
DNSSEC | Available |
Explicit Renewal | Yes |
Auto Renewal | Yes |
Auto Renewal Date | 30 Days Before Expiry. |
Grace Period | 30 Days |
Redemption Period | 30 Days |
Domain Transfers | Accepted |
Authcode | Available |
Premium Names | Available |
Registration Restrictions | None |
Why Register .fit Domain Name
Fit domain delegated in ICANN’s New gTLD Program was made available for domain name registration on 29th April, 2015. Currently .fit domain approximately has 94,000 names registered with it and a whopping demand which continues to rise each year. The dot fit as the name suggests is a personalized namespace for the fitness industry. Fitness coaches, aspiring bodybuilders, fitness centers, gyms, health clubs, fitness equipment suppliers are a few examples of individuals and businesses that can register .fit domain name to build the perfect online presence. As a matter of fact physical fitness is a mega industry contributing billions of dollars worldwide. Thanks to the .fit domain health clubs, supplement companies, personal trainers, private gyms, and nutritionists can easily find their trademark in a business-specific namespace instantly connecting with their relevant target audience. At the same time annual sales of fitness equipment suppliers and manufacturers are increasing at whopping rates due to rising health concerns, pandemics, and the need for improved wellbeing. As the trend for fitness continues to surge the .fit domain name is the right choice for advertising any type of fitness products, training services and gym memberships online. Apart from the big businesses .fit domain name also sits quite well with fitness bloggers to target the relevant audience with a domain name that defines the type of content available for readers. For fitness equipment manufacturers, suppliers and training centers having a name registered in a .fit domain simply means improved search engine ranking for the website. By having an industry-specific keyword such as .fit as part of a domain name one can easily be found online when interested customers search for similar products and services.
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