Church Domain Highlights

Domain Type | nTLD |
Registry Provider | Donuts |
Country | Not Applicable |
Maximum Name Length Characters | 2-63 |
Registration Term | 1-10 Years |
Whois Privacy | Available |
Domain Locking | Available |
DNSSEC | Available |
Explicit Renewal | Yes |
Auto Renewal | Yes |
Auto Renewal Date | 30 Days Before Expiry. |
Grace Period | 30 Days |
Redemption Period | 30 Days |
Domain Transfers | Accepted |
Authcode | Available |
Premium Names | Available |
Registration Restrictions | None |
Why Register .CHURCH Domain Name
Churches are the central hub for community gathering to practice religion and faith under one roof. The .church domain name provides a perfect name space for churches, built from ground level for promoting church related activities and services. With many churches across the globe sharing similar names, registering your church name with a .com extension can be a daunting task. With the arrival of the .church domain name, options for registering church website names have been expanded. One such example is St Michaels, a common church name shared across many churches worldwide. In case you cannot find a for your website, registering a is a perfect alternative for the traditional .com domain. A .church domain name is an easy to remember web address to create church websites helping people learn more about church operating times, upcoming calendar events, special occasions, church staff information, church profile, or find directions and contact information. Register your very own .church domain name to create an identifiable web address embedded with the keyword "church" and promote your church services for the local audience, pastors, youth groups, students of Christian faith, volunteers, fund raising events and online bloggers.
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