Buzz Domain Highlights

Domain Type | nTLD |
Registry Provider | Neustar |
Country | Not Applicable |
Maximum Name Length Characters | 3-63 |
Registration Term | 1 - 10 Years |
Whois Privacy | Available |
Domain Locking | Available |
DNSSEC | Available |
IDNs Available | None |
Explicit Renewal | Yes |
Auto Renewal | Yes |
Auto Renewal Date | 30 Days Before Expiry. |
Grace Period | 30 Days |
Redemption Period | 30 Days |
Domain Transfers | Accepted |
Authcode | Available |
Premium Names | None |
Note | None |
Why Register .BUZZ Domain Name
Creating a buzz around your newly designed product, brand or a service offering it the prime motive for advertisement and marketing. Websites hosted on a .buzz domain reflect the perfect feeling of an exciting product or service launch over the internet. It promotes your brand and positions it in a way that everyone talks about it. Whether you're a news sharing website sharing exciting information to the public or business with exciting corporate events lined up the corner, the .buzz domain name brings you in the limelight. Register .buzz domain name and utilize it to as your personal webspace to stir up the right emotion, energy and excitement for your product or service that can cast a spell bound the perfect impression on your target market. Either you are an entrepreneur, selling real estate, clothing or automobiles, .buzz domain has got your needs covered for an exciting product launch. On top of that the word "buzz" triggers an adrenaline rush in the readers mind and is an ideal choice for trending websites that share exciting news, latest happenings, viral memes, and videos which involve social experiments and raising awareness across the general public. The .buzz domain adds unique value for social media bloggers, artists, and musicians by offering them a modish namespace as opposed to the conventional .com domain. Register .buzz domain with Zohoster to create a stylish platform for publishing social media rich content. Get noticed, increase your followers and let people discover about the latest online trends on your website. Highly recommended for new product launch and websites that operate in the news and media sector.